Friday 27 September 2019

music video plan

Plan for music video

Too good cut copy, what happens when

0.07 – starting music
0.07- 0.16- beat starts
0.16 – 0.23 – oh yeh yeh yeh’
0.23 -  1.29 – drake singing
1.29- 2.01 – Rhianna singing
2.01- 2.18 – chorus using both Rhianna and drake
2.18 – 3.13 – beat of the music to end

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, look
I don't know how to talk to you
I don't know how to ask you if you're okay
My friends always feel the need to tell me things
Seems like they're just happier than us these days
Yeah, these days I don't know how to talk to you
I don't know how to be there when you need me
It feels like the only time you see me
Is when you turn your head to the side and look at me differently
Yeah, and last night I think I lost my patience
Last night I got high as the expectations
Last night, I came to a realization
And I hope you can take it
I hope you can take it
I'm too good to you
I'm way too good to you
You take my love for granted
I just don't understand it
No, I'm too good to you
I'm way too good to you
You take my love for granted
I just don't understand it

I don't know how to talk to you
I just know I found myself getting lost with you
Lately you just make me work too hard for you
Got me on flights overseas, and I still can't get across to you
And last night I think I lost my patience
Last night I got high as the expectations
Last night, I came to a realization
And I hope you can take it
I hope you can take it

I'm too good to you
I'm way too good to you
You take my love for granted
I just don't understand it
No, I'm too good to you
I'm way too good to you
You take my love for granted
I just don't understand it

Music video shot at kitchen

Opener, panning shot of table

Shot of bottles in ice buckets

Shot of people in background

Pan past lead character, suited and see people in background

Drinks in hands

Long shot of whole event

Mid shot no faces nor lower than the waist

Music video shot in studio
Long shot

Close up of speakers

Close up if screens

Mid shot of lead facing the camera

Side angle of face in mic

Close up of laptop of recording software etc

Long shot of behind the character

Music video shot at pool  
Long shot of pool

Static of lead standing in front of the pool at edge with house as backdrop

Static of sitting on lounger facing camera

Pan of everyone there sat down talking

Sat on edge of decking with pool as backdrop

Close up of ice bucket next to loungers with drinks in with pool in background

Statics of everyone looking at camera with pool and house as backdrop

Music video shot at car
Front headlights/ side panel shot

Steering wheel shot with pedals under

Front of car shot

Sitting on/ standing next to front of car

Sat in car long shot of side angle with no roof

Back of car with lead character in drivers’ position

Walking by the car, followed, with duffel bag in hand.

Music video shot at kitchen   people talking smilling laughing, expressing hapoy emotions
0.08 – 0.16
People speaking in background as a group, laughing smiling like a meet up

All dotted around visuals

Pooring drinks

Picking up drinks

Music video shot at studio
0.08 – 0.16
Sat there working on music, different angles.

Sat looking at camera no lyrics

Music video shot at pool
0.08 – 0.16
People all sat around pool, talking, drinking

Visuals of the pool

Looking at camera no lyrics

Music video at car
0.08 – 0.16
Stanid g in front of car

Sat in car

Leaning on car

Visuals of car

Looking towards the camera with car

Music video shot at kitchen
0.16 - 0.23
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, look

Leaning on counter, singing it towards the camera with other characters in the background
0.16- 0.23
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, look

Holding drink in social group all interacting, at the back but singing through the group towards the camera
0.16 – 0.23
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, look

Behind the island, with group surrounding, leaning forward singing

Music video shot in studio
0.16 - 0.23
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, look

Singing into the microphone facing towards the studio
0.16- 0.23
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, look

Singing towards the camera with the studio set positioned behind with different coloured lights but white lights facing the studio set to illuminate the main lead.
0.16 – 0.23
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, look

Front shot of singing into the mic close up of face.  

Music video shot at pool
0.16 - 0.23
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, look

Standing in front of pool with pool as backdrop singing towards the camera, people sat down on the deck chairs in background.
0.16- 0.23
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, look

Sitting on deck chair singing towards the camera with pool in background.
0.16 – 0.23
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, look

Everyone stood talking with lead singing towards camera with house in background.

Music video shot at car
0.16 - 0.23
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, look

Leaning on front of car signing towards the camera. Headlights on facing the camera with slight angling to the left. 
0.16- 0.23
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, look

Sitting in drivers seat, camera mid shot to the side signing towards the camera.
0.16 – 0.23
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh yeah, yeah, yeah
Yeah, look

Standing in front of the car, lights on doors open and roof down, singing towards the camera.

Music video shot at kitchen
0.23 – 0.37
I don't know how to talk to you
I don't know how to ask you if you're okay
My friends always feel the need to tell me things
Seems like they're just happier than us these days
At the front of the bar set, with people in the background and a opposite gender alone to the left, singing towards the camera

0.40 -55
Yeah, these days I don't know how to talk to you
I don't know how to be there when you need me
It feels like the only time you see me
Is when you turn your head to the side and look at me differently

In group circle, speaking forwards, then following camera as camera walks backwards till out of the group and out the back of the house/ out to the front with everyone in the background.

55 – 1.14
Yeah, and last night I think I lost my patience
Last night I got high as the expectations
Last night, I came to a realization
And I hope you can take it
I hope you can take it
Sat on side, singing into the camera with people in background all socialising, setting apart looking lonely and showing emotion towards the camera
Part ‘high’ shoots up to the studio.
1.14 -1.29
I'm too good to you
I'm way too good to you
You take my love for granted
I just don't understand it
No, I'm too good to you
I'm way too good to you
You take my love for granted
I just don't understand it

Another shot cut, to a different location, people in front of the bar, set back from them in corner alone, girl next to them talking to another man worse dressed but laughing etc, displaying they are together.

Music video shot at studio
0.23 – 0.37
I don't know how to talk to you
I don't know how to ask you if you're okay
My friends always feel the need to tell me things
Seems like they're just happier than us these days
Singing towards the camera, studio positioned in the background, shot taken dead straight on. With equipment behind

0.40 -55
Yeah, these days I don't know how to talk to you
I don't know how to be there when you need me
It feels like the only time you see me
Is when you turn your head to the side and look at me differently

Shot change, low angle from the left of the mic, singing towards the camera, next to the mic but not into the mic.

55 – 1.14
Yeah, and last night I think I lost my patience
Last night I got high as the expectations
Last night, I came to a realization
And I hope you can take it
I hope you can take it
Close shot on face, turned from the studio set, facing the camera and singing into it with hand expressions
Part ‘high’ shoots up to the studio.
1.14 -1.29
I'm too good to you
I'm way too good to you
You take my love for granted
I just don't understand it
No, I'm too good to you
I'm way too good to you
You take my love for granted
I just don't understand it

Turned around again like the first shot but from a left side angle rather than a straight on angle.

music video shot at pool

0.23 – 0.37
I don't know how to talk to you
I don't know how to ask you if you're okay
My friends always feel the need to tell me things
Seems like they're just happier than us these days
Singing towards the camera with the backdrop being the pool longways.

0.40 -55
Yeah, these days I don't know how to talk to you
I don't know how to be there when you need me
It feels like the only time you see me
Is when you turn your head to the side and look at me differently

Sat down on lounger legs straight angle from the step corner of the decking angles mid shot and with the lead singing towards the camera but only in the left 1/3 of the frame

55 – 1.14
Yeah, and last night I think I lost my patience
Last night I got high as the expectations
Last night, I came to a realization
And I hope you can take it
I hope you can take it
Low angle shot, singing into the camera with the house in the background of the shot. Camera man off of the decking while the lead sings into the camera. 2 or more in the background talking on the loungers.
Part ‘high’ shoots up to the studio.
1.14 -1.29
I'm too good to you
I'm way too good to you
You take my love for granted
I just don't understand it
No, I'm too good to you
I'm way too good to you
You take my love for granted
I just don't understand it

On edge of pool, moving camera following the lead round, moving into the character and away from the character as the lead sings into the lense.
In the pool, arms on side looking into the camera static shot.

Music video shot at car
0.23 – 0.37
I don't know how to talk to you
I don't know how to ask you if you're okay
My friends always feel the need to tell me things
Seems like they're just happier than us these days
Singing out the side of the car as the car is moving along, whether in passenger or main seat.
Singing at the camera from the outside of the car, the car positioned behind the lead as the doors are open and all the lights are on with the lead character as the focus.
For all, if possible, sing whole purple part of song on in passenger seat of the moving car with car following it
0.40 -55
Yeah, these days I don't know how to talk to you
I don't know how to be there when you need me
It feels like the only time you see me
Is when you turn your head to the side and look at me differently

Leaning against the car or sat on the driver side bonnet,
1 take: doors shut lights on
2 take: doors open light on
Sat in the main seat, from a front angle, but to the left side singing into the camera moving and following or static and not following

55 – 1.14
Yeah, and last night I think I lost my patience
Last night I got high as the expectations
Last night, I came to a realization
And I hope you can take it
I hope you can take it
Singing out of the car, towards the camera, however some times looking down expressing emotions drawn by the lyrics of the song
Standing out singing walking away from the car with someone following the filming keeping equa distance from the original spot. 

1.14 -1.29
I'm too good to you
I'm way too good to you
You take my love for granted
I just don't understand it
No, I'm too good to you
I'm way too good to you
You take my love for granted
I just don't understand it

Static shot at the front of the car, at an angle expressing the side, static camera no movement singing towards the camera and gradually moving in towards it.
Side shot singing out of the car towards the camera.

Music video shot at kitchen
1.29- 1.31
I don't know how to talk to you
I don't know how to talk to you
I just know I found myself getting lost with you
Lately you just make me work too hard for you
Got me on flights overseas, and I still can't get across to you
And last night I think I lost my patience
Last night I got high as the expectations
Last night, I came to a realization
And I hope you can take it
I hope you can take it

Singing at camera in kitchen
Visuals of cars, studio, pool, bar set and everything .

Music video shot at kitchen
 I'm too good to you
 I'm way too good to you
Siunging at the camera with the opposite gender acting the female speaking and laughing with another guy

You take my love for granted
I just don't understand it
On front of island, leaning into camera, opposite gender next to the lead

No, I'm too good to you
I'm way too good to you
You take my love for granted
I just don't understand it

Singing at camera, tracking back and following but then stopping presenting the whole scene. Lead singing with the opposite in background

Music video at studio
 I'm too good to you
 I'm way too good to you
Signing at the camera, backdrop but leaning into the camera 

You take my love for granted
I just don't understand it
Working on work, still singing into the camera with hand expressions

No, I'm too good to you
I'm way too good to you
You take my love for granted
I just don't understand it

Finally, singing slouched in the chair, hand expressions towards the camera with the set in the background.

Music video at pool
 I'm too good to you
 I'm way too good to you
Leaning over the side of the pool edge, camera non-static following the lead. Pool in background shot longways. 

You take my love for granted
I just don't understand it
Sat on deckchair, slouched over leaning over with pool on the right. Moving up close low angle shot.

No, I'm too good to you
I'm way too good to you
You take my love for granted
I just don't understand it

Standing, house in background. Singing towards the camera using hand expressions. 

Music video at car

 I'm too good to you
 I'm way too good to you
Standing in front of the car, lights on the car, static shot filming the lead singing towards the camera with hand expressions

You take my love for granted
I just don't understand it
On side of the car slouched looking towards the camera. Singing using hand expressions

No, I'm too good to you
I'm way too good to you
You take my love for granted
I just don't understand it

In seat of driver, hand on wheel then take off expressing at the moving shot to the right side
In passenger seat, following the car. With a moving camera as the car moves along in the direction of the camera.

overall visuals to get to chop up
in kitchen
Bottles in ice, with people in background out of focus
Shots mid shot no face not lower than waist other side of table
Long shot of everyone speaking

In studio
Shot of whole studio
Side angle
Close ups
At pool
Shot of pool
Close ups of deck chairs
Close up along pool
Long shot of whole space
At car
Shots down side of car
Briefcase or bag to express class in right hand as walking down side, camera following from behind
Shots of car
Car open and lights on
From back of car.

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